
First Prize!

Here's the thing about being a non-studio based photographer (if I wanted to sit in a room all day I'd get a desk job): shooting in the winter can be a bit of a challenge. That's not to say that I'm afraid of the rain: hell, I grew up in Deep Cove so anything less than a deluge is considered a sunny day. It's just that most couples want their shots to be done on a nice day because as we all know love is all about blue skies and warm breezes.

Well, sometimes you just have to get stuff done, warm breezes be damned.

Katie and Chris were one of the couples who won a free Outer Shore engagement shoot at the wedding show and after numerous weather-related re-schedules we decided to ignore the rain and see what we could come up with. Oddly, in spite of (or perhaps as a result of) the wet we ended up laughing for a good hour and a half. And not just intermittently, but for like the entire time.

Anyhow, it was an afternoon of outtake,

after outtake,

after outake, 

after outtake. 

Now as a former class clown I like to think that I know funny but these two were in a league of their own. Anyhow, between truly painful bouts of laughter and attempts at real kissing we were actually able to get a few shots that show just how deeply in love these two are: their affection was lovely and obviously they mean the world to one another. 


A wonderful couple. A wonderful afternoon. Thanks you two: It was fun fo' sho!