
Shiela and Tom...

As a wedding photographer I have the opportunity to see all sorts of different approaches to the whole getting married thing. On one end of the spectrum lies your basic elopement and on the other, your all out family gathering/feast/dance party. Shiela and Tom most definitely slip in on the former half of the scale and I have to say that they did it right.

All day long we were surrounded by really genuine, really interesting, really awesome folks and if I die with half as many friends as these two seem to have in rotation I will consider myself both fortunate beyond imagination and, well, just plain fabulous.

As seems to have been the case with almost every wedding I've shot this year, the sky was a bright blue, the sun was shining, and the day seemed somehow overtly vibrant and full of interesting colours and shapes. Of course the fact that Tom's parents' place has a backyard that rivals Buchart Gardens didn't hurt. Neither did the firm assertion by all present that this was going to be a party to remember.

Throw in a few kids...

...more than a touch of class...

...and you have the makings of a massively fun time. Most certainly a true-to-life reflection of the couple who put it on.