
Two dresses are better than one...

I love wedding dresses. Really. Out of context they are absolutely ridiculous but on the day-of, they are magical. Without a doubt they are one of the objects that transforms a wedding from a mere party into a once-in-a-lifetime celebration and they certainly make wedding photography more fun than it should be.

You can imagine my excitement when I showed up to the venue to find that there was not going to be just one, but two dresses. I mean, I don't want to get all weird about it but c'mon, it's like double the magic. 

Even better than the dresses, however, were the ladies wearing them. Weddings are potentially kinda stressful situations but Mel and Annie were amazing: seriously chill, seriously funny, and pretty obviously seriously in love. 

And to make matters even more fabulous, they chose to have the whole shebang (wedding and reception) in this lovely old house in a park in Tsawwassen...

...with decorations like this...

...china like this....

...and jewelry like this.

It was the type of wedding that (almost) made me want to get married..

...and it was most certainly the type of wedding that made me happy to be involved with weddings.