As you may or may not know the big wedding show is happening at the Westin Bayshore here in Vancouver and for the first time, Outer Shore Photography is going to have a booth! To mix a metaphor or two I'm throwing my hat in the ring and running with the big dogs. With all the preparation (and procrastination) that an independent like myself has to go through for such an ordeal, I realized that I haven't updated the blog since Hallowe'en, so here goes!
To all the people who have been so very very generous with their support I would like to say thank you soooooooo much for helping make my humble little business a success. I hope that the New Year brings you everything you want, need and wish for.
As I neglected to take ANY Christmas photos this year I would like to leave you with this picture of Gray and his first big event of 2011: his very first tooth molt (or as my good friend Kajola called it, The Toothening). Somehow such an event seems metaphorical; I'll leave it to you to figure out how.